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UIAlertView Grade
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A UIView that displays a dialog message with one or more buttons. (As of iOS 8, devs should use UIAlertController rather than this class.)
[Foundation.Register("UIAlertView", truthful)] [ObjCRuntime.Deprecated(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS, nine, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, "Use 'UIAlertController' with a 'UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert' type instead.")] [ObjCRuntime.Unavailable(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.TvOS, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, nada)] public grade UIAlertView : UIKit.UIView, IDisposable
type UIAlertView = class inherit UIView interface INSCoding interface INativeObject interface IDisposable
- Inheritance
- Attributes
- Implements
Every bit of iOS 8, app devs should use UIAlertController rather than this class. Extensions may not use this class at all.
The UIAlertView allows the awarding user to choose amidst culling deportment. The post-obit code and epitome, taken from the "AlertViews" section of the "ios Standard Controls" sample illustrates the simplest utilise-case:
UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView () { Championship = "alert championship", Message = "this is a elementary warning" }; alert.AddButton("OK"); alert.Show ();
An alternative to the UIAlertView is the UIActionSheet.
The application programmer can use UIAlertViewStyles such as PlainTextInput or LoginAndPasswordInput to permit the application user to enter values.
The Xamarin API supports two styles of event notification: the Objective-C style that uses a delegate class or the C# style using event notifications.
The C# manner allows the user to add together or remove event handlers at runtime by assigning to the events of backdrop of this grade. Event handlers can be anyone of a method, an anonymous methods or a lambda expression. Using the C# manner events or backdrop will override whatsoever transmission settings to the Objective-C Delegate or WeakDelegate settings.
The Objective-C style requires the user to create a new form derived from UIAlertViewDelegate class and assign it to the P:UIKit.Delegate property. Alternatively, for low-level control, past creating a course derived from NSObject which has every entry indicate properly decorated with an [Export] attribute. The case of this object can so be assigned to the WeakDelegate property.
UIAlertView() | Default constructor that initializes a new example of this class with no parameters. |
UIAlertView(CGRect) | Initializes the UIAlertView with the specified frame. |
UIAlertView(IntPtr) | A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Chosen past the runtime. |
UIAlertView(NSCoder) | A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object. |
UIAlertView(NSObjectFlag) | Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely classify the object. |
UIAlertView(String, Cord, IUIAlertViewDelegate, String, String[]) | |
UIAlertView(String, Cord, UIAlertViewDelegate, Cord, String[]) | Obsolete. Constructor to initialize an alert view. |
AccessibilityActivationPoint | The screen coordinates for the accessibility element. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityAssistiveTechnologyFocusedIdentifiers | (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityAttributedHint | An attributed string providing a cursory description of the behavior of the accessibility element. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityAttributedLabel | A cursory attributed cord describing the purpose of the UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityAttributedValue | An attributed string holding the value of the UIView, when it is dissimilar than the AccessibilityAttributedLabel. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityCustomActions | Allows methods to be added to AccessibilityCustomActions as accessibility-supporting supplementary actions. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityDragSourceDescriptors | (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityDropPointDescriptors | (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityElementsHidden | Whether the view's accessibility elements are visible. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityFrame | The Frame of the accessibility element, in screen coordinates. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityHint | A brief description of the action performed by the accessibility chemical element. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityIdentifier | Uniquely identifies |
AccessibilityIgnoresInvertColors | Gets or sets whether the UIView will invert its colors in response to such an accessibility request. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityLabel | A localized identifier for the accessibility element. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityLanguage | The BCP 47 language tag of the linguistic communication used to speak the accessibility element's components. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityNavigationStyle | Gets or sets the navigation fashion. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityPath | Allows the accessibility chemical element to be not-rectangular. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityTraits | A bitmask of the UIAccessibilityTraits of |
AccessibilityValue | The value of the accessibility element. (Inherited from UIView) |
AccessibilityViewIsModal | Whether Voice Over should ignore sibling elements. (Inherited from UIView) |
AlertViewStyle | The manner of the alert view. |
AlignmentRectInsets | Adjustments to the Frame for use with Auto Layout. (Inherited from UIView) |
Blastoff | Controls the transparency (alpha) value for the view. (Inherited from UIView) |
Appearance | Strongly-typed property that returns the UIAppearance class for this grade. |
AutoresizingMask | A bitmask that specifies how the receiver should resize itself when it's super-view's bounds change. (Inherited from UIView) |
AutosizesSubviews | Specifies whether the receiver should automatically resize its Subviews when the receiver'south Bounds modify. (Inherited from UIView) |
BackgroundColor | Sets the background color of the UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
BottomAnchor | The NSLayoutYAxisAnchor that defines the bottom of this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
Bounds | The usable frame of the view, specified using the view's own coordinate system. (Inherited from UIView) |
ButtonCount | The number of buttons independent in the alert view. |
CanBecomeFirstResponder | Determines whether this UIREsponder is willing to become the first responder. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
CanBecomeFocused | Whether this UIView tin become the focused view. (Inherited from UIView) |
CancelButtonIndex | The index of the cancel button. |
CanResignFirstResponder | Determines whether this UIResponder is willing to give up its first responder condition. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
Center | The center of the view, in the container coordinate space. (Inherited from UIView) |
CenterXAnchor | The NSLayoutXAxisAnchor that defines the X-centrality center of this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
CenterYAnchor | The NSLayoutYAxisAnchor that defines the Y-axis center of this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
Grade | (Inherited from NSObject) |
ClassHandle | The handle for this class. |
ClearsContextBeforeDrawing | Specifies that the drawing buffer be erased prior to calling DrawRect(CGRect, UIViewPrintFormatter) (Inherited from UIView) |
ClipsToBounds | Specifies whether the Subviews are confined to the Bounds of the receiver. (Inherited from UIView) |
CollisionBoundingPath | Gets the UIBezierPath to be used for standoff detection. (Inherited from UIView) |
CollisionBoundsType | Gets the UIDynamicItemCollisionBoundsType describing the type of bounds used for collision detected. (Inherited from UIView) |
Constraints | The constraints used by Motorcar Layout on this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
ContentMode | Controls how the cached bitmap of a view must be rendered when the view's bounds modify. (Inherited from UIView) |
ContentScaleFactor | The number of device pixels per logical coordinate point. (Inherited from UIView) |
ContentStretch | Developers should not use this deprecated holding. Developers should utilise 'CreateResizableImage' instead. (Inherited from UIView) |
CoordinateSpace | Returns the coordinate space implemenation for the UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
DebugDescription | A programmer-meaningful description of this object. (Inherited from NSObject) |
Consul | An instance of the UIKit.IUIAlertViewDelegate model form which acts as the form delegate. |
Description | Clarification of the object, the Objective-C version of ToString. (Inherited from NSObject) |
DirectionalLayoutMargins | Gets or sets the layout margins for laying out content that respects the current language direction. (Inherited from UIView) |
EffectiveUserInterfaceLayoutDirection | Gets the layout direction for arranging the view's contents. (Inherited from UIView) |
ExclusiveTouch | Restricts the event delivery to this view. (Inherited from UIView) |
FirstBaselineAnchor | A NSLayoutYAxisAnchor that defines a constraint based on the baseline of the first line of text in this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
FirstOtherButtonIndex | The index of the starting time other push button. |
Focused | Whether the UIView is the focused view. (Inherited from UIView) |
FocusItemContainer | Gets the focus container that provides spatial information to child focus items. (Inherited from UIView) |
Frame | Coordinates of the view relative to its container. (Inherited from UIView) |
GestureRecognizers | The array of UIGestureRecognizers for this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
Handle | Handle (pointer) to the unmanaged object representation. (Inherited from NSObject) |
HasAmbiguousLayout | Returns |
HeightAnchor | The NSLayoutDimension that defines the peak of this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
Hidden | Specifies whether the UIView displays or not. (Inherited from UIView) |
InputAccessoryView | Custom view that can be attached when the object becomes the first responder. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
InputAccessoryViewController | Gets the custom accessory UIInputViewController to display when |
InputAssistantItem | Gets the assistant that will be used to configure the shortcut bar. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
InputView | Custom view to display when the object becomes the beginning responder. Read-only. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
InputViewController | Gets the custom UIInputViewController to display when |
InsetsLayoutMarginsFromSafeArea | Gets or sets a Boolean value that controls whether margins are adjusted to ever autumn within the condom area. Default is |
Interactions | Gets or sets the current set of interactions. (Inherited from UIView) |
IntrinsicContentSize | The size of the intrinsic content of the UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
IsAccessibilityElement | Whether |
IsDirectBinding | (Inherited from NSObject) |
IsFirstResponder | Returns whether this UIResponder is the Outset Responder. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
IsProxy | (Inherited from NSObject) |
KeyCommands | The key commands that should trigger action on this UIResponder. Read-only. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
LastBaselineAnchor | A NSLayoutYAxisAnchor that defines a constraint based on the baseline of the first line of text in this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
Layer | The Core Animation layer used for rendering. (Inherited from UIView) |
LayoutGuides | The UILayoutGuide objects divers for this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
LayoutMargins | Lays out margins. (Inherited from UIView) |
LayoutMarginsGuide | Defines the margin attributes. (Inherited from UIView) |
LeadingAnchor | The NSLayoutXAxisAnchor that defines the leading edge of this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
LeftAnchor | The NSLayoutXAxisAnchor that defines the left edge of this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
MaskView | Returns mask view. (Inherited from UIView) |
Message | Detailed text shown beneath the championship in the warning view. |
MotionEffects | Current set of motion furnishings on this view. (Inherited from UIView) |
MultipleTouchEnabled | Controls whether the UIView tin can handle multitouch events. (Inherited from UIView) |
NextResponder | The next responder on the response chain (Inherited from UIResponder) |
Opaque | Determines whether the view is opaque or not. (Inherited from UIView) |
ParentFocusEnvironment | Gets the parent focus surroundings. (Inherited from UIView) |
PasteConfiguration | The UIPasteConfiguration supported by |
PreferredFocusedView | Returns the UIView that should actually be focused. (Inherited from UIView) |
PreferredFocusEnvironments | An array of IUIFocusEnvironments that are recursively searched by the system to notice the default focused view. (Inherited from UIView) |
PreservesSuperviewLayoutMargins | Preserves layout margins for superview. (Inherited from UIView) |
ReadableContentGuide | An area that can exist read past the user with minimal head moving. (Inherited from UIView) |
RestorationIdentifier | If non |
RetainCount | Returns the current Objective-C retain count for the object. (Inherited from NSObject) |
RightAnchor | The NSLayoutXAxisAnchor that defines the right edge of this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
SafeAreaInsets | Gets the insets that place the content and so that navigation and tab bars, toolbars, and other content does non obscure the view of the content. (Inherited from UIView) |
SafeAreaLayoutGuide | Gets the layout guide for placing the content so that navigation and tab bars, toolbars, and other content does not obscure the view of the content. (Inherited from UIView) |
Self | (Inherited from NSObject) |
SemanticContentAttribute | Specifies whether the UIView should maintain it'southward layour or flip when used with a right-to-left layout. (Inherited from UIView) |
ShouldEnableFirstOtherButton | Consul invoked by the object to go a value. |
ShouldGroupAccessibilityChildren | Whether the UIView'south children should be grouped for the purposes of phonation-over, regardless of their position on the screen. (Inherited from UIView) |
Subviews | An array of UIViews that are contained within |
Superclass | (Inherited from NSObject) |
SuperHandle | Handle used to stand for the methods in the base of operations class for this NSObject. (Inherited from NSObject) |
Superview | The UIView, if any, that contains |
Tag | An integer that can exist used to place a specific UIView instance. (Inherited from UIView) |
TextInputContextIdentifier | An identifier indicating that this UIResponder should preserve its text input mode information. Read-only. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
TextInputMode | The text input mode for this UIResponder. Read-merely. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
TintAdjustmentMode | The tint aligning practical to this UIView or ane of its parent views. (Inherited from UIView) |
TintColor | A highlight colour which should be used to indicate interactive controls. (Inherited from UIView) |
Title | A cord shown in the championship bar. |
TopAnchor | The NSLayoutYAxisAnchor that defines the top of this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
TrailingAnchor | The NSLayoutXAxisAnchor that defines the leading edge of this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
TraitCollection | Returns a trait drove. (Inherited from UIView) |
Transform | The transform of the UIView, relative to the heart of its bounds. (Inherited from UIView) |
TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints | Specifies whether the autoresizing mask should be translated into constraints for Car Layout. (Inherited from UIView) |
UndoManager | The nearest shared NSUndoManager in the responder chain. Read-only. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
UserActivity | Activeness that encapsulates a user activity that is supported by this responder. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
UserInteractionEnabled | Determines whether input events are processed past this view. (Inherited from UIView) |
ViewForBaselineLayout | Returns the UIView upon which baseline constraints should exist practical. (Inherited from UIView) |
ViewForFirstBaselineLayout | When overridden, allows the app dev to return a subview as the basis for baseline constraints. (Inherited from UIView) |
ViewForLastBaselineLayout | When overridden, allows the app dev to render a subview as the basis for baseline constraints. (Inherited from UIView) |
ViewPrintFormatter | Returns a UIViewPrintFormatter appropriate for the UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
Visible | Used to decide if the alert view is currently being displayed. |
WeakDelegate | An object that can respond to the consul protocol for this type |
WidthAnchor | The NSLayoutDimension that defines the horizontal extent of this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
Window | The UIWindow of the UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
Zone | (Inherited from NSObject) |
AccessibilityActivate() | Activates accessibility for this UIView, returning |
AccessibilityDecrement() | Tells the accessibility element to decrement the value of its content. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused() | Indicates that an assistive technology has set its focus to |
AccessibilityElementDidLoseFocus() | Indicates that an assistive technology has changed its focus from |
AccessibilityElementIsFocused() | Indicates whether an assistive technology is focused on |
AccessibilityIncrement() | Tells the accessibility element to increment the value of its content. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityPerformEscape() | Tells the accessibility organization to dismiss a modal popover or hierarchically-displayed chemical element. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityPerformMagicTap() | Toggles the application-defined "most important state" of the app. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
AccessibilityScroll(UIAccessibilityScrollDirection) | When overridden, allows the accessibility system to perform scrolling. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
ActionForLayer(CALayer, String) | Retrieves the default CAAction identified by that targets . (Inherited from UIView) |
Add(UIView) | This is an alias for AddSubview(UIView), but uses the Add pattern as it allows C# three.0 constructs to add subviews afterward creating the object. (Inherited from UIView) |
AddButton(String) | Adds a button to an warning view with the specified title. |
AddConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint) | Adds a constraint to the layout of the receiving view or its subviews. (Inherited from UIView) |
AddConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint[]) | Adds multiple constraints to the layout of the receiving view or its subviews. (Inherited from UIView) |
AddGestureRecognizer(UIGestureRecognizer) | Adds a gesture recognizer to this view. (Inherited from UIView) |
AddInteraction(IUIInteraction) | Adds the interaction to the view. (Inherited from UIView) |
AddLayoutGuide(UILayoutGuide) | Adds the specified |
AddMotionEffect(UIMotionEffect) | Adds the specified motion issue to the view. (Inherited from UIView) |
AddObserver(NSObject, NSString, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, IntPtr) | Registers an object for being observed externally (using NSString keyPath). Observed changes are dispatched to the observer'due south object ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr) method. (Inherited from NSObject) |
AddObserver(NSObject, String, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, IntPtr) | Registers an object for being observed externally (using string keyPath). Observed changes are dispatched to the observer's object ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr) method. (Inherited from NSObject) |
AddObserver(NSString, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, Action<NSObservedChange>) | Registers an object for being observed externally using an arbitrary method. (Inherited from NSObject) |
AddObserver(String, NSKeyValueObservingOptions, Activity<NSObservedChange>) | Registers an object for beingness observed externally using an arbitrary method. (Inherited from NSObject) |
AddSubview(UIView) | Adds the specified view as a subview of this view. (Inherited from UIView) |
AddSubviews(UIView[]) | Convenience routine to add diverse views to a UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
AlignmentRectForFrame(CGRect) | Returns a customized alignment rectangle for Car Layout. (Inherited from UIView) |
AppearanceWhenContainedIn(Type[]) | Returns a strongly typed UIAppearance for instances of this class when the view is hosted in the specified hierarchy. |
AwakeFromNib() | Called after the object has been loaded from the bill file. Overriders must call base.AwakeFromNib(). (Inherited from NSObject) |
BecomeFirstResponder() | Request the object to get the first responder. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
BeginInvokeOnMainThread(Activity) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
BeginInvokeOnMainThread(Selector, NSObject) | Invokes asynchrously the specified code on the main UI thread. (Inherited from NSObject) |
Bind(NSString, NSObject, String, NSDictionary) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
Bind(String, NSObject, String, NSDictionary) | Obsolete. (Inherited from NSObject) |
BindingInfo(String) | Obsolete. (Inherited from NSObject) |
BindingOptionDescriptions(String) | Obsolete. (Inherited from NSObject) |
BindingValueClass(String) | Obsolete. (Inherited from NSObject) |
BringSubviewToFront(UIView) | Moves the specified subview so that it appears in forepart of other Subviews. (Inherited from UIView) |
ButtonTitle(nint) | Returns a button title by index. |
CanPaste(NSItemProvider[]) | Gets whether |
CanPerform(Selector, NSObject) | Determines if this UIResponder can perform the specified action. Typically used to probe for editing commands. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
Capture(Boolean) | Performs a screen-capture of the UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
CommitEditing() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
CommitEditing(NSObject, Selector, IntPtr) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
ConformsToProtocol(IntPtr) | Invoked to decide if this object implements the specified protocol. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ContentCompressionResistancePriority(UILayoutConstraintAxis) | Returns the resistance of an axis to compression below its intrinsic size. (Inherited from UIView) |
ContentHuggingPriority(UILayoutConstraintAxis) | Returns the resistance of an centrality to expansion larger than its intrinsic size. (Inherited from UIView) |
ConvertPointFromCoordinateSpace(CGPoint, IUICoordinateSpace) | Converts from the coordinate system to |
ConvertPointFromView(CGPoint, UIView) | Converts from the coordinate system of to |
ConvertPointToCoordinateSpace(CGPoint, IUICoordinateSpace) | Converts from |
ConvertPointToView(CGPoint, UIView) | Converts from |
ConvertRectFromCoordinateSpace(CGRect, IUICoordinateSpace) | Converts from the coordinate arrangement of to that of |
ConvertRectFromView(CGRect, UIView) | Converts from the coordinate system used in to that of |
ConvertRectToCoordinateSpace(CGRect, IUICoordinateSpace) | Converts from |
ConvertRectToView(CGRect, UIView) | Converts from |
Re-create() | Performs a copy of the underlying Objective-C object. (Inherited from NSObject) |
Copy(NSObject) | Indicates a "Copy" editing operation. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
Cut(NSObject) | Indicates a "Cut" editing operation. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
DangerousAutorelease() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
DangerousRelease() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
DangerousRetain() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
DecodeRestorableState(NSCoder) | Application developers can override this method to support state restoration. (Inherited from UIView) |
Delete(NSObject) | Indicates a "Delete" editing operation. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
DidChange(NSKeyValueChange, NSIndexSet, NSString) | Indicates a change occurred to the indexes for a to-many relationship. (Inherited from NSObject) |
DidChange(NSString, NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, NSSet) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
DidChangeValue(String) | Indicates that a alter occurred on the specified key. (Inherited from NSObject) |
DidHintFocusMovement(UIFocusMovementHint) | Called to tell the focused item in the UIView that the focus may change. (Inherited from UIView) |
DidUpdateFocus(UIFocusUpdateContext, UIFocusAnimationCoordinator) | Chosen later the UIView has either lost or received focus. (See also ShouldUpdateFocus(UIFocusUpdateContext).) (Inherited from UIView) |
DismissWithClickedButtonIndex(nint, Boolean) | |
DisplayLayer(CALayer) | (Inherited from UIView) |
Dispose() | Releases the resources used by the NSObject object. (Inherited from NSObject) |
Dispose(Boolean) | Releases the resources used by the UIAlertView object. |
DoesNotRecognizeSelector(Selector) | Indicates that this object does not recognize the specified selector. (Inherited from NSObject) |
Draw(CGRect) | Draws the view within the passed-in rectangle. (Inherited from UIView) |
DrawLayer(CALayer, CGContext) | (Inherited from UIView) |
DrawRect(CGRect, UIViewPrintFormatter) | Developers should override this method if their appr draws the UIView contents. (Inherited from UIView) |
DrawViewHierarchy(CGRect, Boolean) | Renders the consummate view hierarchy visible on screen. (Inherited from UIView) |
EncodeRestorableState(NSCoder) | Application developers tin can override this method to store country associated with the view. (Inherited from UIView) |
EncodeTo(NSCoder) | Encodes the state of the object on the provided encoder |
Equals(NSObject) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
Equals(Object) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
ExchangeSubview(nint, nint) | This method exchanges the indices of two UIViews inside the Subviews array. (Inherited from UIView) |
ExerciseAmbiguityInLayout() | Randomly changes the Frame inside an ambiguous set of Auto Layout constraints. (Inherited from UIView) |
ExposedBindings() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
FrameForAlignmentRect(CGRect) | Returns the frame resulting from applying the |
GestureRecognizerShouldBegin(UIGestureRecognizer) | Determines if the specified gesture recognizers should be allowed to track touch events. (Inherited from UIView) |
GetAppearance(UITraitCollection) | Returns an advent proxy for the specified |
GetAppearance(UITraitCollection, Type[]) | Returns an appearance proxy for the specified |
GetAppearance<T>() | Obtains the appearance proxy UIAlertView.UIAlertViewAppearance for the subclass of UIAlertView. |
GetAppearance<T>(UITraitCollection) | Obtains the advent proxy UIAlertView.UIAlertViewAppearance for the bracket of UIAlertView. |
GetAppearance<T>(UITraitCollection, Type[]) | Obtains the appearance proxy UIAlertView.UIAlertViewAppearance for the bracket of UIAlertView that has the specified trait collection when the view is hosted in the specified hierarchy. |
GetBindingInfo(NSString) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetBindingOptionDescriptions(NSString) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetBindingValueClass(NSString) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetConstraintsAffectingLayout(UILayoutConstraintAxis) | Returns the array of NSLayoutConstraint that are affecting the layout of the UIView forth the specified |
GetDictionaryOfValuesFromKeys(NSString[]) | Retrieves the values of the specified keys. (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetEnumerator() | Returns an enumerator that lists all of the subviews in this view (Inherited from UIView) |
GetFocusItems(CGRect) | Returns a list of all the child focus items inside the specified rectangle. (Inherited from UIView) |
GetHashCode() | Generates a hash code for the current instance. (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetMethodForSelector(Selector) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetNativeField(String) | Obsolete. (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetNativeHash() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
GetTargetForAction(Selector, NSObject) | Returns the object that responds to an action. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
GetTextField(nint) | Returns a text field for specified index. |
HitTest(CGPoint, UIEvent) | The frontmost visible, interaction-enabled UIView containing . (Inherited from UIView) |
Init() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
InitializeHandle(IntPtr) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
InitializeHandle(IntPtr, Cord) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
InsertSubview(UIView, nint) | Inserts the specified subview at the specified location as a subview of this view. (Inherited from UIView) |
InsertSubviewAbove(UIView, UIView) | Inserts the specified view above the siblingSubvie in the view hierarchy (Inherited from UIView) |
InsertSubviewBelow(UIView, UIView) | Inserts the specified view below the |
InvalidateIntrinsicContentSize() | Alerts the Auto Layout system that the intrinsic value of the UIView has changed. (Inherited from UIView) |
Invoke(Activeness, Double) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
Invoke(Action, TimeSpan) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
InvokeOnMainThread(Action) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
InvokeOnMainThread(Selector, NSObject) | Invokes synchrously the specified code on the main UI thread. (Inherited from NSObject) |
IsDescendantOfView(UIView) | Returns |
IsEqual(NSObject) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
IsKindOfClass(Grade) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
IsMemberOfClass(Class) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
LayoutIfNeeded() | Lays out the subviews if needed. (Inherited from UIView) |
LayoutMarginsDidChange() | Lays out changed subviews (Inherited from UIView) |
LayoutSublayersOfLayer(CALayer) | Called to indicate that the object'south Premises has changed. (Inherited from UIView) |
LayoutSubviews() | Lays out subviews. (Inherited from UIView) |
MakeTextWritingDirectionLeftToRight(NSObject) | Sets the direction in which text is written to be left-to-right. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
MakeTextWritingDirectionRightToLeft(NSObject) | Sets the direction in which text is written to exist right-to-left. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
MarkDirty() | Promotes a regular peer object (IsDirectBinding is true) into a toggleref object. (Inherited from NSObject) |
MotionBegan(UIEventSubtype, UIEvent) | Method invoked when a motion (a shake) has started. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
MotionCancelled(UIEventSubtype, UIEvent) | Method invoked if the operating system cancels a motion (milk shake) upshot. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
MotionEnded(UIEventSubtype, UIEvent) | Method invoked when a motion (milk shake) has finished. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
MovedToSuperview() | Indicates the UIView has had its Superview property changed. (Inherited from UIView) |
MovedToWindow() | Indicates the UIView has had its Window property inverse. (Inherited from UIView) |
MutableCopy() | Creates a mutable re-create of the specified NSObject. (Inherited from NSObject) |
NeedsUpdateConstraints() | Indicates that the Auto Layout constraints of the UIView need updating. (Inherited from UIView) |
ObjectDidEndEditing(NSObject) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
ObserveValue(NSString, NSObject, NSDictionary, IntPtr) | Indicates that the value at the specified keyPath relative to this object has inverse. (Inherited from NSObject) |
Paste(NSItemProvider[]) | Called to perform a paste operation from . (Inherited from UIResponder) |
Paste(NSObject) | Indicates a "Paste" editing operation. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
PerformSelector(Selector) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject, Double) | Invokes the selector on the current case and if the |
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject, Double, NSString[]) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PerformSelector(Selector, NSObject, NSObject) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PerformSelector(Selector, NSThread, NSObject, Boolean) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PerformSelector(Selector, NSThread, NSObject, Boolean, NSString[]) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PointInside(CGPoint, UIEvent) | Whether is inside |
PrepareForInterfaceBuilder() | (Inherited from NSObject) |
PressesBegan(NSSet<UIPress>, UIPressesEvent) | Indicates that a physical button has been pressed on a remote or game controller. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
PressesCancelled(NSSet<UIPress>, UIPressesEvent) | Indicates a concrete button-press event has been cancelled due to a arrangement upshot. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
PressesChanged(NSSet<UIPress>, UIPressesEvent) | Indicates that the Forcefulness value of the |
PressesEnded(NSSet<UIPress>, UIPressesEvent) | Indicates the ending of a printing of a physical button on a remote or game controller. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
ReloadInputViews() | Updates custom input and accessory views when this object is the offset responder. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
RemoteControlReceived(UIEvent) | Indicates that a remote-control event was received. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
RemoveConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint) | Removes an Car Layout constraint from the UIView's Constraints. (Inherited from UIView) |
RemoveConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint[]) | Removes multiple Automobile Layout constraints from the UIView'due south Constraints. (Inherited from UIView) |
RemoveFromSuperview() | Detaches the UIView from its Superview. (Inherited from UIView) |
RemoveGestureRecognizer(UIGestureRecognizer) | Removes a gesture recognizer from the UIView's GestureRecognizers. (Inherited from UIView) |
RemoveInteraction(IUIInteraction) | Removes the interaction from the view. (Inherited from UIView) |
RemoveLayoutGuide(UILayoutGuide) | Removes |
RemoveMotionEffect(UIMotionEffect) | Removes the specified movement effect to the view. (Inherited from UIView) |
RemoveObserver(NSObject, NSString) | Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath. (Inherited from NSObject) |
RemoveObserver(NSObject, NSString, IntPtr) | Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath and context. (Inherited from NSObject) |
RemoveObserver(NSObject, String) | Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath. (Inherited from NSObject) |
RemoveObserver(NSObject, String, IntPtr) | Stops the specified observer from receiving further notifications of changed values for the specified keyPath and context. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ResignFirstResponder() | Chosen when this UIResponder has been asked to resign its kickoff responder status. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
ResizableSnapshotView(CGRect, Boolean, UIEdgeInsets) | Efficiently creates a rendering of |
RespondsToSelector(Selector) | Whether this object recognizes the specified selector. (Inherited from NSObject) |
RestoreUserActivityState(NSUserActivity) | Restores the state that is necessary for continuance of the specified user activity. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
SafeAreaInsetsDidChange() | Method that is called when the prophylactic area changes. (Inherited from UIView) |
Select(NSObject) | Indicates a "Select" editing operation.|b (Inherited from UIResponder) |
SelectAll(NSObject) | Indicates a "Select All" editing functioning. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
SendSubviewToBack(UIView) | Moves a UIView so that it appears backside all its siblings. (Inherited from UIView) |
SetContentCompressionResistancePriority(Single, UILayoutConstraintAxis) | Sets the resistance to compression below the UIView's IntrinsicContentSize. (Inherited from UIView) |
SetContentHuggingPriority(Single, UILayoutConstraintAxis) | Sets the resistance to expansion beyond the UIView'south IntrinsicContentSize. (Inherited from UIView) |
SetNativeField(String, NSObject) | Obsolete. (Inherited from NSObject) |
SetNeedsDisplay() | Marks the view dirty and queues a redraw operation on information technology. (Inherited from UIView) |
SetNeedsDisplayInRect(CGRect) | Marks a region of the view as dirty and queues a redraw performance on that region. (Inherited from UIView) |
SetNeedsFocusUpdate() | When |
SetNeedsLayout() | Sets whether subviews demand to be rearranged earlier displaying. (Inherited from UIView) |
SetNeedsUpdateConstraints() | Indicates to the Motorcar Layout organization that it must call UpdateConstraints(). (Inherited from UIView) |
SetNilValueForKey(NSString) | Sets the value of the specified key to nada. (Inherited from NSObject) |
SetValueForKey(NSObject, NSString) | Sets the value of the belongings specified by the central to the specified value. (Inherited from NSObject) |
SetValueForKeyPath(IntPtr, NSString) | A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime. (Inherited from NSObject) |
SetValueForKeyPath(NSObject, NSString) | Sets the value of a belongings that can be reached using a keypath. (Inherited from NSObject) |
SetValueForUndefinedKey(NSObject, NSString) | Indicates an endeavor to write a value to an undefined primal. If not overridden, raises an NSUndefinedKeyException. (Inherited from NSObject) |
SetValuesForKeysWithDictionary(NSDictionary) | Sets the values of this NSObject to those in the specified dictionary. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ShouldUpdateFocus(UIFocusUpdateContext) | Called prior to the UIView either losing or receiving focus. If either focus surround returns |
Show() | Displays the alert view |
SizeThatFits(CGSize) | Returns the SizeF that best fits |
SizeToFit() | Moves and resizes the UIView and so that it tightly encloses its Subviews (Inherited from UIView) |
SnapshotView(Boolean) | Creates a UIView that contains a snapshot paradigm of the current view's contents. (Inherited from UIView) |
SubviewAdded(UIView) | Tells the view when subviews are added. (Inherited from UIView) |
SystemLayoutSizeFittingSize(CGSize) | Calculates the smallest or largest size that this UIView can have that satisfies its Motorcar Layout constraints. (Inherited from UIView) |
SystemLayoutSizeFittingSize(CGSize, Single, Single) | Returns the optimal size for |
TintColorDidChange() | Called when the TintColor changes, such as when a UIActionSheet is displayed. (Inherited from UIView) |
ToggleBoldface(NSObject) | Toggles the utilize of a bold font. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
ToggleItalics(NSObject) | Toggles the use of an italic font. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
ToggleUnderline(NSObject) | Toggles the apply of underlining. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
ToString() | Returns a string representation of the value of the electric current instance. (Inherited from NSObject) |
TouchesBegan(NSSet, UIEvent) | Sent when ane or more than fingers touches the screen. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
TouchesCancelled(NSSet, UIEvent) | Sent when the bear on processing has been cancelled. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
TouchesEnded(NSSet, UIEvent) | Sent when one or more fingers are lifted from the screen. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
TouchesEstimatedPropertiesUpdated(NSSet) | Called when the estimated properties of |
TouchesMoved(NSSet, UIEvent) | Sent when one or more fingers move on the screen. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
TraitCollectionDidChange(UITraitCollection) | Defines previous trait collection. (Inherited from UIView) |
Unbind(NSString) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
Unbind(Cord) | Obsolete. (Inherited from NSObject) |
UpdateConstraints() | Updates the Auto Layout constraints for the UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
UpdateConstraintsIfNeeded() | Updates the constraints of the UIView and its Subviews. (Inherited from UIView) |
UpdateFocusIfNeeded() | If any focus environs has a awaiting update, this method forces an immediate focus update. Unlike SetNeedsFocusUpdate(), this method may exist chosen by whatsoever UIView, whether it currently contains focus or non. (Inherited from UIView) |
UpdateUserActivityState(NSUserActivity) | Updates a given user activity state. (Inherited from UIResponder) |
ValueForKey(NSString) | Returns the value of the holding associated with the specified key. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ValueForKeyPath(NSString) | Returns the value of a property that tin be reached using a keypath. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ValueForUndefinedKey(NSString) | Indicates an attempt to read a value of an undefined key. If not overridden, raises an NSUndefinedKeyException. (Inherited from NSObject) |
ViewWithTag(nint) | Returns the UIView identified by the |
WillChange(NSKeyValueChange, NSIndexSet, NSString) | Indicates that the values of the specified indices in the specified key are almost to change. (Inherited from NSObject) |
WillChange(NSString, NSKeyValueSetMutationKind, NSSet) | (Inherited from NSObject) |
WillChangeValue(Cord) | Indicates that the value of the specified key is virtually to alter. (Inherited from NSObject) |
WillDrawLayer(CALayer) | Chosen before long before the is drawn. (Inherited from UIView) |
WillMoveToSuperview(UIView) | Called before the Superview changes. (Inherited from UIView) |
WillMoveToWindow(UIWindow) | This method is chosen by the runtime when assigning a new UIWindow to the UIView's view hierarcy. This method will be called on all UIViews in the hierarchy, not simply the top-level UIView. (Inherited from UIView) |
WillRemoveSubview(UIView) | Called prior to the removal of a subview. (Inherited from UIView) |
Canceled | Event raised by the object. |
Clicked | Upshot raised past the object. |
Dismissed | Event raised by the object. |
Presented | Event raised past the object. |
WillDismiss | Event raised by the object. |
WillPresent | Event raised by the object. |
Extension Methods
ActionForLayer(ICALayerDelegate, CALayer, String) | |
DisplayLayer(ICALayerDelegate, CALayer) | |
DrawLayer(ICALayerDelegate, CALayer, CGContext) | |
LayoutSublayersOfLayer(ICALayerDelegate, CALayer) | |
WillDrawLayer(ICALayerDelegate, CALayer) | Method that is called when |
GetDebugDescription(INSObjectProtocol) | |
GetAccessibilityCustomRotors(NSObject) | Gets the array of UIAccessibilityCustomRotor objects appropriate for |
SetAccessibilityCustomRotors(NSObject, UIAccessibilityCustomRotor[]) | Sets the array of UIAccessibilityCustomRotor objects appropriate for |
GetCollisionBoundingPath(IUIDynamicItem) | Returns the closed path that is used for collision detection. |
GetCollisionBoundsType(IUIDynamicItem) | Returns a value that tells how collision premises are specified. |
GetFocusItemContainer(IUIFocusEnvironment) | Gets the focus container for the environment. |
GetParentFocusEnvironment(IUIFocusEnvironment) | Gets the parent focus environs. |
GetPreferredFocusEnvironments(IUIFocusEnvironment) | Gets the list of focus environments, ordered by priority, that the environment prefers when updating the focus. |
DidHintFocusMovement(IUIFocusItem, UIFocusMovementHint) | Called when a focus modify may soon happen. |
GetFrame(IUIFocusItem) | Returns the frame in the reference coordinate infinite of the containing IUIFocusItemContainer. |
CanPaste(IUIPasteConfigurationSupporting, NSItemProvider[]) | Returns |
Paste(IUIPasteConfigurationSupporting, NSItemProvider[]) | Performs the paste. |
DecreaseSize(UIResponder, NSObject) | A hardware keyboard request (Command-minus) to decrease the size of the UIResponder. |
IncreaseSize(UIResponder, NSObject) | A hardware keyboard asking (Control-plus) to increase the size of the UIResponder. |
EndEditing(UIView, Boolean) |
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